Five For Foundry

FIVE FOR FOUNDRY - Synergy of excellences for foundry
The FIVE FOR FOUNDRY business project was born in 2008, as response to the engineering sector crisis, but it has evolved to the extent that today it represents a strategic synergy of unmatched skills able to propose any kind of production solutions for the aluminium foundry environment.
FIVE FOR FOUNDRY is constituted by a group of companies.
Italian companies:
APPENNINO – Consulting and representative international company of the machinery and foundry systems environment.
FIMES - Furnaces, crucibles, technical material and auxiliary products for metal foundry and brass taps plants worldwide.
FIVE FOR FOUNDRY MOULDS - Design, development and construction of moulds for aluminium casts, low and high-pressure die-castings.
MECCANICA BERETTA STEFANO - Machineries and plants for aluminium low pressure die-casting.
DUECI - Specialized in mould production and in solid carbide tooling production.
Foreign companies:
ECOFITEC - Industrial supplies and equipments.
ECO INSTAL - Industrial installations of environmental protection.
TEMEX - Automation, Air-conditioning, Machinery, Sales, Services Offered, Science and Research, Educational kit T-DIDACTIC, Training, Service.
All companies of the group are leader in their market branch. Together they represent the maximum expression of know-how and quality. FIVE FOR FOUNDRY intends as the referent point for the aluminium foundry market.
Every member of the FIVE FOR FOUNDRY project maintains its autonomy and relates to the other partners thanks to a close technical and business cooperation. Their approach to the customer is unique: “a team able to face every demand”.
FIVE FOR FOUNDRY owns the resources to propose an effective and affordable offer. The clients take advantage of a rapid and reliable support thanks to the member’s decades experience.
That means: concrete skills supported by a great knowledge of the environment peculiarities.
FIVE FOR FOUNDRY achieves its professional success believing it as the result of a endless cooperation and mutual support in every project. Its "Plus" is represented by the constant comparison opportunity amongst the members: this setting allows the best strategy to satisfy every demands. A special terms commercial agreement allows the satisfaction of every request and the decrease of the production costs.
FIVE FOR FOUNDRY has a production potential and an efficient distinction. Its wide range of offer meets the needs of every customer.
Every member follows a constant technological updating. For this reason, the group holds modern and efficient manufacturing facilities.
The Client is step by step supported by specialized technicians: from the project to the production. These reliable technicians have allowed the success of every company of the FFF Group; that means a group of flexible and dynamic small and medium enterprises, that working together, guarantee the strength of a big company.
The most important elements of FIVE FOR FOUNDRY proposition are:
- reliable support to the clients;
- aims sharing;
- Innovation, value and respect of the time scheduling;
- high professional standards in the tasks management;
- ability to support any type of project;
- High Standards Technology;
- constant updating to respond to every need;
- high quality service based on decades experience;
Choosing FIVE FOR FOUNDRY means:
- above average technical know-how;
- a big group of specialists at your service;
- a constructive approach based on a great experience;
- a trustworthy and reliable representative;
- an well-advanced manufacturing facility able to offer a valid alue for money;